Fluid Applied Roofing and how it started…

Sonny Arwood, the Founder, and CEO of Fluid Applied Roofing started his career as a painting contractor in the late 80s. In 1993 he started transitioning into roof coatings and eventually commercial roofing, including the installation of single-ply and metal roofing systems.

During his career in roof coatings, he noticed a consistent issue with every roof coating product he had installed and that was the use of polyester fabric and/or seam tape as part of the leak-proofing process. This labor-intensive process was subject to installation errors. Even with the best installation, this process was still failing. This led him to search for a better leak-proofing process.

After 20 years of extensive research, Sonny worked with his chemist to co-develop FiberSeal Base™, a product that would change the leak-proofing process forever. This revolutionary product was designed to mitigate the risk of poor installation errors, reduce the labor required, and speed up the leak-proofing process.

If you’d like more information on the FAR systems or Fiber Seal product contact me directly @ 607-364-3624 or email me tony.loup@fluidappliedroofing.com

About Tony Loup - Roofing.Care

Substantially reduce labor costs on roof coating jobs, ask me how: 607-364-3624. Technical Advisor, Registered Roof Observer, CDT, and Solution Provider in the Building Material Industry
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